About Me
hello, i’m lydia, i live in the uk. my diet consists mostly of glass and complex buckminsterfullerene structures. i find that these give me the edge i need to succeed in the harsh corporate landscape of today. i believe in the maximum possible number of divine entities. i have been implicated in thirteen homicides and have been found “not guilty” every time.

i was awarded 5 barrels of crude oil out of a possible 5 by the editor of oil baroness monthly, and was rated 4th most likely to start a geopolitical conflict in time magazine. in 2016, i was jailed for 4 months after the state discovered i was smuggling details of the queen’s (r.i.p. lizzie) daily routine to the chinese embassy in exchange for seo optimisation.

i am proficient in business strategy, extortion, and a form of organic-matter based market manipulation that has its roots in ancient egypt-mesopotamia trade relations.
i achieved corporate apotheosis in 2013, and have been aggressively expanding into new market frontiers ever since. i believe in pushing the mind-body complex to the furthest possible level, with no exceptions. i have created hospitable growth conditions for all lyd.city key natural resources, by sheer force of will, and blood pact alone. i regularly participate in scrying rituals which have allowed me to glimpse the face of the abrahamic god. i am currently working to undermine his market share of human punishment. if you think my skillset could be of use, meditate for at least 30 minutes a day, supplement with 1:5 ratio sillica gel:datura and i will be in touch.