hi! here u can find all my various projects! mostly music related at the moment!
if u wanna remix anything for whatever reason dm me somewhere and ill send u stems <3
here is my spotify playlist! it has music that i love from many talented people!! maybe u will like it too :o
monument: the mixtape

hey!!!!! guess what!!!!! i released my first ever mixtape-y thing!!!! its got weirdo drum rhythmns breaks a dumb homo singing on it, theres one song thats guitar music, theres literally something for everyone!! it would mean the world to me if u told me what u think abt it
jungle sunday v13

i have a song in the latest jungle sunday compilation via chaogardem!! a tonne of extremely huge and wonderful little music sounds made by a bunch of super talented people!!
dj mix

me and commiehog made a 1hr b2b dj set!! :) you can listen to it here(youtube) or here(sc)